20 jul 2011

Liberty and Justice for ALL - Libertad y Justicia para TODOS

I must admit that I was not going to post today because it has been such a long day. But I found this video that friend shared on Facebook, and I decided that today I have something to say. This video almost brought me to tears. I had such an emotional reaction to it because I have been able to love the love of my life since the day I met him without anybody having a right to tell me that I was wrong. Thinking that people who have found something as beautiful are being told that they are wrong makes me very sad. But this video shows that we are making progress and getting closer and closer to the day when "liberty and justice for all" will have full meaning for each and everyone of us living in the U.S.

He de admitir que hoy no iba a escribir nada porque ha sido un dia larguisimo. Pero he encontrado este video en la pagina de Facebook de una amiga, y he decidido que tengo algo que decir. Este video me emociono casi hasta las lagrimas (y me encantaria que todos lo entendierais, porque es digno de ser visto). Reaccione de esa manera porque he podido amar al amor de mi vida desde el dia en que le conoci sin que nadie tuviera derecho a decirme que estaba equivocada. Me entristece profundamente pensar que hay personas que han encontrado algo igual de bonito y han de escuchar que estan equivocadas. Pero este video nos muestra que estamos progresando y cada dia mas cerca del dia en el que la expresion "libertad y justicia para todos" - una de las frases del Juramento a la bandera Americana - tenga un significado completo para todos y cada uno de los que vivimos en Estados Unidos.

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