7 jul 2011

De donde vengo, donde he estado y a donde voy - Where I come from, where I've been, and where I'm going

Es muy facil para mi describir de donde vengo. Geograficamente, vengo de Madrid. Pero la persona que soy viene de mi familia. Aunque siento que los pasos que he dado en la vida me han transformado, tambien siento que mis raices siempre estan conmigo. La mujer que soy hoy conserva el espiritu luchador de su madre, la irreverencia ante la vida aprendida de su hermano Manu, y (espero) la amabilidad aprendida de su hermano Oscar. De ellos es de donde vengo.

It's very easy for me to describe where I come from. Geographically, I come from Madrid. But the person that I am comes from my family. Even though I feel as if the steps that I've taken have transformed me, I also feel that my roots are always with me. The woman that I am today still has her mother's fighting spirit, the irreverence learned from her brother Manu, and (hopefully) the kindness learned from her brother Oscar. They are where I come from.

Miami es la ciudad que mas ha marcado mi vida, sin duda. Llegue alli con tan solo 22 años y fue alli donde aprendi a ser una mujer independiente y sin miedo a nada. Algunos de los momentos mas tristes de mi vida los vivi alli en solitario, pero Miami tambien es la ciudad donde aprendi que " no hay que llorar, que la vida es un carnaval y es mas bello vivir cantando."

Miami is the city that has left a biggest mark in my life, without a doubt. I was just 22 when I moved there, and it was in that city where I learned how to be an independent woman and also to be fearless. I went through some of the saddest moments of my life there completely alone, but Miami also is the city where I learned that (as the famous Celia Cruz's song says - not clarification needed her for Spanish speakers) "you don't have to cry, because life is a carnival, and it is more beautiful to live singing."

Esta foto explica donde voy. El destino final no se ve, la direccion no esta muy clara, pero desde hace 8 años estoy segura de con quien voy a recorrer ese camino. Mi vida se ha convertido en una aventura y tengo la gran fortuna de tener alguien al lado que quiere cogerme de la mano cuando me caiga, ayudarme a ver la luz cuando me equivoque y, sobre todo, reirse conmigo tanto de mis errores como con mis aciertos. Y ese, mis amigos, es el mejor camino en el que se puede estar....aun con destino desconocido.

This picture explains where I'm going. You can't see the final destination, the direction is not very clear, but for the last 8 years I've been sure of with whom I'm going to walk that path. My life has turned into an adventure, and I have the great fortune of having somebody by my side who wants to grab my hand when I fall, help me see the light when I'm mistaken and, most importantly, laugh with me about my errors and successes. And that, my friends, is the best path that you can be on......even if the destination is unknown.

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